Holding Your Telemarketing Company Accountable
Thursday, August 27 2015
Are you getting the most out of your non-profit telemarketing efforts? Is your vendor providing you with the best possible service? How do their results compare with other fundraising companies? With a little time and effort, you can make sure you are maximizing your telemarketing results by holding
- Published in Latest, Telemarketing
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Beyond the Bucks- 3 Non-Financial Ways Telemarketing Benefits Your Non-Profit Organization
Friday, August 07 2015
What’s the bottom line? That’s the first question most development professionals ask at the end of a campaign, and rightfully so. After all, telemarketing is marketing, and the primary goal is to make money. While the financial value of your non-profit’s telemarketing campaign may be more obvious, don’t
- Published in Latest, Telemarketing